5 Reasons Men Skip Doctor Visits – But Shouldn’t !

The title of this article should not be a surprise to anyone who is reading this. Us men, (yes, I am one) generally speaking, do tend to resist going to the doctor. This article talks about some of the reasons why this true and than also explains why this may not always be a good idea . . .

5 Reasons Men Skip Doctor Visits, and Shouldn’t


Men are 24 percent less likely than women to have visited a doctor within the past year, according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). The graphic below, created at Georgetown University, shows more shocking statistics. For example:

  • 7 million American men have not seen a doctor in more than 10 years.
  • Two-thirds of men would not seek a health care professional if they were experiencing chest pain or shortness of breath, two early warning signs of a heart attack.
  • And, surprisingly, more than half of all premature deaths among men are preventable.

In light of these statistics, it seems like a no-brainer for men to get regular basic health care. So, what prevents them from doing it? The American Heart Association offers the following top reasons that men give for ditching doctor visits, along with a little reality check for each.

1. There’s probably nothing wrong.
You may be right, but some serious diseases don’t have symptoms. High blood pressure is one. That’s why they call it “the silent killer.” High cholesterol is another. Ditto diabetes. Finding a health problem early could make a huge difference in the quality and length of your life.

2. You don’t have time.
There are about 8,766 hours in a year, and you want to save two? Those two hours could save your life if you really do need a doctor. If you really want to spend more time with your family, these two hours are worth sacrificing.

3. You don’t want to spend the money.
It makes more sense to spend a little and save a lot than to save a little and spend a lot. If you think spending time with a doctor is expensive, try spending time in a hospital.

4. You don’t want to hear what you might be told.
Maybe you smoke, drink too much, have put on weight. Even so, your doctor’s there to help you. You can deny your reality, but you can’t deny the consequences. So be smart: Listen to someone who’ll tell you truths you need to hear. Be coachable.

5. You’ve got probe-a-phobia.
Remember that your chances of surviving prostate cancer are much better if it’s caught early. So it’s worth the exam. And it’s only one small part of a checkup. Don’t let one test stop you from getting all the benefits of an annual visit with your doctor.

Your Medicare benefits include an annual Medicare Wellness Visit. This is the perfect opportunity to talk to your doctor about any health concerns you have. You and your doctor can also create your personal prevention plan outlining the preventive services recommended for you.

Medicare Part B covers one Medicare Wellness Visit every 12 months at no additional cost to you. The same is true if you have a Medicare Advantage plan. Check your plan materials to see if any additional preventive services are covered.

Article Source: blog.medicaremadeclear.com

Photo Source: blog.medicaremadeclear.com

If you have any questions about this subject or would like to speak to us about any of your Medicare needs in regards to Medicare supplement, Medicare Advantage or Part D prescription drug plans, I would certainly be very happy to speak with you.

I am an independent agent specializing in the senior market. I would be very happy to look at your current coverage and compare it to the marketplace to make sure that you are still getting a good value. My services to you will always be FREE.


Billy Williams